Performing Surgery for Russian Patient from 6000 Kilometers Away

NuoLai Medical Successfully Performs Surgery to Russian Child with Cerebral Palsy

"NuoLai Medical, XieXie!" On the morning of October 24th, inside the ward of NuoLai International Medical Center, the Matvei's family expressed their gratitude to NuoLai Medical using a newly learned Chinese phrase. The child underwent surgery on the 23rd and is currently in good condition. It is understood that this is the first case of treatment for a foreign cerebral palsy patient at NuoLai Medical after the COVID-19.


A Paper Bringing Trust Across 6000 Kilometers

The Russian child, Matvei,who received treatment appeared to develop normally after birth, but at one and a half years old, was still unable to walk independently, had poor balance and coordination, while intelligence and language were normal. Matvei is now five years old. Due to the parents' background in medical and neurological fields, they were hesitant about blind treatments. Over the years, apart from daily rehabilitation training, the parents extensively researched to find the most effective and suitable treatment method for their child.

"We consulted numerous academic papers and medical journals and finally, in the third year, came across Professor Tian Zengmin's 2009 publication at the medical library," Matvei's parents told reporters. Many treatment methods were still in the pre-clinical stage, but the surgical technique employed by NuoLai had long been applied clinically. This paper gave them new hope, and the stereotactic neurosurgery using a brain surgical robot seemed to be the most effective and suitable treatment for their child.

After choosing the treatment method, Matvei's parents immediately contacted NuoLai Medical. After hiring an interpreter in August of this year, they officially started their journey to China. Today, the Matvei family has traveled over 6000 kilometers to the foot of Mount Tai. In the ward, the child appeared to be in good spirits, frequently interacting with the staff and giving a thumbs-up to show friendliness.

"The entire surgical process was swift, and there have been no postoperative complications. We are looking forward to further evident results from the surgery," Matvei's mother expressed a relaxed and contented demeanor during the conversation.

Inside the ward, domestic functional neurosurgery expert and Chief Neurological Diseases Specialist at NuoLai Medical Hospital, Professor Tian Zengmin, discussed the child's postoperative recovery with the parents. The child will continue to be hospitalized for observation for 2-3 more days before being discharged. Upon returning home, the child will continue receiving rehabilitation treatment. The NuoLai Medical expert service team will also conduct follow-up visits at intervals after one month, three months, six months, one year, and beyond after the surgery.