Boy's First Reaction After Falling During a Race Wins Praise Across the Internet!

In this fast-paced world, there are moments that gently press the pause button in our hearts, allowing us to reassess what true resilience and perseverance mean.

In a youth recitation competition, a boy named Aima, who was born with cerebral palsy, suddenly lost control of his body and fell to the right during his performance. 

Just when everyone thought he might quietly exit the stage, something unexpected happened. As he fell, the boy didn’t cry out in pain, show frustration, or back down. Instead, he simply called out, "Dad." His father, who had been silently watching from the sidelines, rushed to the stage immediately. Before Aima could even get back on his feet, his strong and clear voice resumed the recitation. There was no panic; his breathing was steady, and his articulation was precise. The audience erupted in applause.

In the end, young Aima’s outstanding performance won him the gold medal in the competition.

Aima was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was eight months old. From a very young age, he has undergone rehabilitation training. Now, besides spending two hours a day on rehabilitation, Aima's life is like that of any other child. He is determined, disciplined, and always ranks among the top in his class. In his free time, Aima enjoys singing, calligraphy, playing the piano, and building with Legos. The love and support of his parents have not only helped him overcome the physical challenges of cerebral palsy but have also instilled in him an indomitable spirit, allowing him to shine brightly on the stage of life.

Young Aima, the boy who fell on stage and got back up, has shown us through his actions that true victory lies not in never falling but in the courage to rise and keep going every time we do. His story is like an unyielding poem, inspiring everyone to continue "reciting" on the stage of life, no matter the challenges they face.


Some parents of children with cerebral palsy feel overwhelmed with confusion, anxiety, sadness, and fear when they first learn of their child's condition. These emotions can be so intense that many parents struggle to accept the reality. They often spend years seeking medical help, incurring high costs, only to find that the results are not ideal. When doctors further inform them that there is currently no cure for the condition, it can push parents to the brink of despair.

However, clinical research has shown that with timely surgery and rehabilitation therapy, along with continuous psychological encouragement from parents, the motor functions of children with cerebral palsy can improve. Their ability to live independently can also be enhanced, enabling them to reintegrate into society and lead fulfilling lives.


To tackle the challenge of traditional treatment for children with cerebral palsy, the NuoLai International Medical Center, in collaboration with a team of experts led by Professor Tian Zengmin, a chief specialist in neurological diseases, has introduced a groundbreaking approach. Utilizing the frameless robotic brain stereotactic technology, which has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize), this method brings a technological revolution to the field of disability care.

This technology enables doctors to accurately locate, reach, and treat the lesion while repairing brain nerves. It is characterized by being minimally invasive, precise, efficient, and safe. By directly targeting and repairing specific nerves in the brain, this approach offers a new treatment pathway, enhances neurological function, and fundamentally improves the condition of patients.


Since 2019, NuoLai Medical has integrated its resources to focus on public welfare initiatives aimed at supporting underprivileged communities. They have launched the "Sharing Sunshine—Caring for Disabled Children" assistance project and the "New Hope" national public welfare project for children with cerebral palsy. Through these initiatives, NuoLai Medical has brought new hope to over 1,300 families of children with cerebral palsy across the country, illuminating their lives with the light of compassion, and combining advanced medical technology with humanistic care.